
How It Works

Pull out your gym mat and get ready to do a series of movements that will stabilize and strengthen your core.

The exercises are usually done in a specific order, one right after another. The movements have names, like "The 100," Criss-Cross," the "Elephant," and the "Swan."

The moves may look simple, but they take a lot of precision and control. It's not like doing a bunch of crunches; there's a strong emphasis on technique.

You can do Pilates on an exercise mat, either in a class or at home, using a DVD. Or you can go to a gym or studio that has special equipment, a class, or a trainer who can supervise you.

Pilates classes typically take 45 minutes to an hour, but you can do fewer moves in less time.

You’ll get stronger, more sculpted muscles and gain flexibility. You may also have better posture and a better sense of well-being.

Plan on doing this workout a few days a week, in addition to cardio, since Pilates isn't aerobic.